

LewisKA Lab TRACS site (login required)

Texas State Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Texas State Graduate College


Professional Societies

Get involved! Build your professional network, find support for your career, volunteer for community outreach, and engage in public advocacy!

Central Texas Local Section of the American Chemical Society

American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Resource Guide: LGBTQIA+ in STEM (PDF)

Resource Guide: Caregivers in STEM (PDF)

RNA Society

Biophysical Society

Gibbs Society for Biothermodynamics

La-Related Protein Society


Student Career Development
Lab Tools
Courses Taught by K.A. Lewis


Fun with Science!

Plasmid Land at

FoldIt: a protein-folding game

eterna: an RNA-folding game

NOVA’s RNA VirtuaLab: a collaboration between eterna, ScienceLabs, and PBS.

Art.Science.Gallery, Austin, TX